	Jim Millard
	for CO311

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

#include <time.h>

void FillWithRand(int [], const int size, const int used);

void SetupArray(int array[], const int size);
int SearchArray(const int array[], const int size, const int key);
void DisplayResults(const int position);

void main()
    const int MaxSize = 20;
    int Array[MaxSize];

    SetupArray(Array, MaxSize); //setup the array with X numbers

    cout << "A random list of 20 numbers ranging from 0 to 99 has been created." << endl
         << "See if you can guess one of them!" << endl;

    int guess;
    cout << "Enter a number (0..99, ctrl-d to end): ";
    while (cin >> guess)
        DisplayResults(SearchArray(Array, MaxSize, guess));
        cout << "Enter a number (0..99, ctrl-d to end): ";

void SetupArray(int array[], const int size)
    FillWithRand(array, size, size);

int SearchArray(const int array[], const int size, const int key)
    int position = -1; //pre set for error/not found message

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        if (array[i] == key)
            position = i;
            break; //no sense in looking further!
    return position;

void DisplayResults(const int position)
    if (position > -1)
        cout << "Good guess! The value was found at position "
             << position << " of the array." << endl;
        cout << "Bad luck! The value is not in the list!" << endl;


void FillWithRand(int Array[], const int maxsize, const int count)
    time_t t;
    srand((unsigned) time(&t));

    for (int i = 0; (i < count) && (i < maxsize); i++)
        //generate the new number
        int newNumber = rand() % 100;

        //check for duplicates (we don't want any)
        bool found = false;
        for (int j = 0; (j < count) && (j < maxsize); j++)
            if (Array[j] == newNumber)
                found = true;

        //if there were no duplicates, save the number, otherwise redo the position
        if (!found)
            Array[i] = newNumber;
