/******************************************************************************************** example 2 -- roman.cpp Implementation for class roman. ********************************************************************************************/ #include "roman.h" // ------- display tool ------- string roman::asString() const { int value = number; string converted = ""; if (value < 1) { converted = "underflow"; return converted; } else if (value > 3888) { converted = "overflow"; return converted; } else { for (int i=0, stop = value/1000; i < stop; i++) { value -= 1000; converted += 'M'; } switch (value/100) { case 0: break; case 9: value -= 900; converted += "CM"; break; case 4: value -= 400; converted += "CD"; break; case 8: case 7: case 6: case 5: value -= 500; converted += 'D'; //fall through and do 3, 2 & 1!!! default: for (int i=0, stop=value/100; i < stop; i++) { value -= 100; converted += 'C'; } } switch (value/10) { case 0: break; case 9: value -= 90; converted += "XC"; break; case 4: value -= 40; converted += "XL"; break; case 8: case 7: case 6: case 5: value -= 50; converted += 'L'; //fall through and do 3, 2 & 1!!! default: for (int i=0, stop=value/10; i < stop; i++) { value -= 10; converted += 'X'; } } switch (value) { case 0: break; case 9: converted += "IX"; break; case 4: converted += "IV"; break; case 8: case 7: case 6: case 5: value -= 5; converted += 'V'; //fall through and do 3, 2 & 1!!! default: for (int i=0; i < value; i++) converted += 'I'; } return converted; } }