Im publishing the following formulae, which will be used to calculate the final letter grade for the course. Using this formula, you can determine how well you need to do on any portion of the grade to receive the desired final letter grade.
The formula uses a weighted average, with the weights as described in the Syllabus.
Category | Your Score | Maximum | Percentage | Weight | Weighted Average |
Homework | h | 90 | h/90 | 55% | 0.55*(h/90) or .006h |
Paper | p | 100 | p/100 | 10% | 0.1*(p/100) or .001p |
Presentation | t | T | t/T | 10% | 0.1*(t/T) |
Final Exam | e | E | e/E | 25% | 0.25*(f/F) |
Total | 100% | Sum of above |
Currently, the maximum score for homework is 90 points; the maximum for the Paper is 100 points. The Presentation will likely be worth 100 points too, but I dont know how many points the final will be worth.
Comments? Email | Last updated October 20, 2001 |