CO285: Introduction to Networks

Assignment 2: Internet Applications

Due: Sept 10, 1998 (Week 3)

These exercises are meant to give you a start on working with several applications of the Internet, if for no other reason than to emphasize that the Web and the Internet are not the same thing. It should also give you an experience at unsubscribing from a mailing list, which is probably more useful than learning how to subscribe!

  1. Exercises

    From p. 23 in the text, answer questions 2,3,7 and 9.

  2. Email practice

    Send a mail message to with "define word" in the subject to get the definition for any word of your choice. Your word must contain at least 9 letters; turn in a printout of the definition you get.

  3. Web browser practice

    Use a web browser to look at and read about how to generate an anagram. Generate anagrams of your name and write down the best one.

  4. Mailing list practice

    Still at, read about how to subscribe to the mailing list for A Word a Day (AWAD). Either subscribe through the web, or use email. Once you are subscribed, you should get an introductory message, then you should start receiving one message a day. Save at least two of these messages, then unsubscribe from the list. Save the confirmation of your unsubscription too. (Once you have successfully unsubscribed, feel free to resubscribe if you find this list to be of interest to you.)

Summary of Tasks:

Turn in

  1. Answers to Exercise 1
  2. Printout from Exercise 2
  3. The most interesting anagram from Exercise 3 (and any others you find humorous)
  4. Either printout the messages you received from Exercise 4, or forward them via e-mail to

Comments? Email Last updated October 20, 2001